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الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 30

Anonymous Identity

المزيد عني

العلاقة: إنه سر
نوع الجوال: Nokia C3
مشغل الجوال: 3
الشركات: Pt, Harmoni Dinamik Indonesia
المدارس: Stanford Unbiversity
أنا أحب: disayng, dimanja
أنا أكره: Dicuekin, tak dianggap
الموسيقى المفضلة: Jennifer Lopez Feat Pittbull, Avril Lavigne, Katty Pery, Adele, Micheal Jackson, ANJ, ELL
الأفلام المفضل: Doraemon, Vampire, Harry Potter
الكتب المفضلة: The Secret of MLM, Happanies Inside, Robert T kyosaki
المشاهير المفضلون: Jennifer Lopez, Jaeng Geun suk, Lee hong ki, Kimbum,
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Agustin Megawati Br.S (ABMAS): Bisa gak bisa harus bisa, Lakukan yg hati inginkan dgn setulus hati, jgn merugikan orng lain. God in my self

OwnSkin في صندوق


A hungry girl AFFECTION, ATTENTION, want to be pampered and loved as well, but no one gave it. hhha :)
Aku cerewet, bawel, jujur, blak-blakkan, iseng, jahil, pemaksaan, dll, HOBBY aku Traveling, Belajar (bukan formal) tapi ilmu yg aku minati dan membuat aku penasaran, Dengarkan Musik Barat, Korea, Indonesia, Internetan, Facbookan, Twiteran, Membaca, dll, yg gk aku suka itu manusia yg "BOHONG, GAK PUNYA PERASAAN, EGOIS, MUNAFIK, DLL" maksdnya, ada orng yg gue tau dia itu slh, lg sedih, lg bt, dll ditnya gk jwb didiamin gak paham2, apa maunya ? arrgghh

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Attached Image: monthly_03_2010/post-3783-1269561516.jpgFree Image Hosting Kiss Pictures Upload Photos

11 سنة

I Am Your Friend

we are far away from each other

But you know that I am here.
You can feel me in your heart
As you enter each new day
I will always be there for you
I am your friend.
Someone to share the good times
As well as the bad.
I make no judgments by what you say
I just listen with my heart and
Hope to be of help in anyway I can
I will be there for you now and forever
And always please remember
I am your friend

11 سنة

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Success is never permanent.
Failure is never final.
so always do not stop effort
until your victory makes a history.
Have a Good luck

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