About Me
I LOVE my country, the Philippines and I love my people, the Filipino people. I intend to be a good Filipino citizen and be loyal to the cause of my country. I want my country to be ever free and independent and I want my people to be ever happy and prosperous. For my country and for my people, I will work and save, I will live and serve.
I BELIEVE in a good, strong, clean, government. As a citizen, I deem it my duty to bear my share of the sacrifice and burden and responsibility. I will obey the law and help the government officials enforce the law. I will try to be honest, self-supporting, and serviceable.

I LOVE peace, but I will fight for the sake of right, of freedom, and justice. I love my life, but I will gladly die for the sake of my family, my people, my God, and the one who I love most.
Ganyan ako, pero minsan boring ako na tao, maski ako nabo-bored ako sa sarili ko. WASTED
Do check out my my blog:
http://renieapalo.blogspot.comSa may DEVIANTART etong deviant art ko