DeheN3ooD  Ziyaretçi Defterim (171) Ziyaretçi Defterine Yaz

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13 years ago

13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago

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Friendship is a rare jewel that shines,
Only when u give it a sunny smile
Friendship is a lock that opens,
Only when u unlock ur true self to it
Friendship is a song which is sung,
Only when u know its rhythm
Friendship is a dream which comes true,
Only when u believe in it
Friendship is a sun which rises,
Only when ur heart has set on it
Friendship is a throne, on which u can sit,
Only when u share ur kingdom with it
Friendship is a path, which u will find,
Only when u know u are lost
Friendship is a hand that holds urs,
Only when u extend urs
Friendship is an album of reminiscences, which u can leaf through,
Only when u cherish it
Friendship is a lamp which lights,
Only when u know it will assuage ur heart
Friendship is a lantern which glows,
Only when u need the warmth of it
Friendship is a language which u speak,
Only when u know the meaning of it
Friendship is a potpourri of feelings, which u can smell,
Only when u have a true friend!!

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13 years ago

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13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago

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13 years ago
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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

gσσ∂ мσяηιηg

13 years ago

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13 years ago

13 years ago
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مـٌِدري أنـآٌٍ أللـٌي غلطـآنہََ

ــ ..

ولآ ًَ أنتوآ ًٌ الليَِ نـآسين َُوجـودُِ منٍُ يغليَگم ًَ

وً لآ يہمٌگ ترُى زمُنِ يآُصإِحبَيً مآُلٌہًِ أُمأنُ وآَلعِمر يُمشُـي
وگَلََ شَيَ مَحِسوًبً ! واَلِقُدرُ مًگِتوًبِ وُإلِخِفَيَِ يتُبًأِنً

لآ تحًِـإتيًُ مـآنٌيًِ حـآسبہً لَگِ لإهمًـآلگً لآنہً

{ َ ع ـٌرفِتًَ إلنُاسًَ وٌآلدَنياٌ وطُريُقيٌ }ُ

گِيف مـآٌتبغُي أعرف إسـآسگِمٌَ
13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

مدخلــــ ّ""

وأحلم ب أنّك لي : هوى
- ">" border="0"/> ماسك يدي -
نمشي سوى ..
عطرك على ثيابي نوى ،
وإيدك ، تبيني ألمسك !
هذا العطر إللي أحب!
صدرك رحب !
ما تزعل عيونك علي
شاريني بايع كل شي
كنّي مطر
وإنت [ السحب ]
أدعي لك : الله يحرسك

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مخـــرجـــ ,,,""

الجنون عيون وعيونك وطـن ..
و الوطن من غير عينك وش يكون ؟
[ لا شـوارع ، لا آمـاني ، لا سكـن ]
لا حيـاه و لا ممات و لا طعـون !
إنت بلحالك زمن داخل زمـن ..
كيييف عمري ينحسب لو يحسبون !!

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ghreem almansouri ">" border="0"/>
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