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12 years ago

╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮ ♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╰╮╮

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…Between The Age Of 15 – 20…
(^◡^)A Woman Is Like “Africa” (^◡^)
…She Is Half Discovered, Half Wild…

…Between The Age Of 20 – 30…
(^◡^)A Woman Is Like “America”(^◡^)
…Fully Discovered And Scientifically Perfect….

…Between The Age Of 30 – 35…
(^◡^)She Is Like “India & Japan”(^◡^)
…Very Hot, Wise & Beautiful…

…Between The Age Of 35 – 40…
(^◡^)A Woman Is Like “France”(^◡^)
…She Is Half Destroyed After The War But Still Desirable…

…Between The Ages Of 40 – 50…
(^◡^)She Is Like “Germany”(^◡^)
…She Lost The War But Not The Hope…

…Between The Age Of 50 – 60…
(^◡^)She Is Like “Russia”(^◡^)
…Very Wide, Very Quiet But Nobody Goes There...

Between The Age Of 60 – 70…
(^◡^)A Woman Is Like “England”(^◡^)p
…With A Glorious Past But No Future…

…After 70… They Become “Siberia”…
…Everyone Knows Where It Is…
(^◡^)But No One Wants To Go There(^◡^)

I need to see your smile
and I wish I could see it more
then just once in a while

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(^◡^)Smiling nyt(^◡^)

╰╰╮╰╰╮╮ ♡(^◡^)♡ ╰╰╮╮╰╮╮

12 years ago

♥ S-ee ♥ M-iracles ♥ I-n ♥ L-ife ♥ E-verytime!♥

A coupLe went to a farm.
A buLL was servicing the cows.
The Lady asked the manager,
” how many times the buLL can service
“the manager repLied, “5 to 6 times in a day.”
The Lady Looked at her Husband & said, “you see.. .?”

The Husband asked the manager,
“is it the same cow every time?”

No Sir, every time it is A Different Cow

the husband Looked at his wife & said,”You See.. . ??

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Man O Man !
never faiLs to deceive thyseLf !

When without money, wishes to get married;
When has money, wishes to get divorced.

When without money, wife becomes secretary;
When has money, secretary becomes wife.

When without money, acts Like rich man;
When has money, acts Like poor man

Work like you don't need the
love like your has never been broken,
like no one is watching,
and If you the world is with you…

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♥ S-ee ♥ M-iracles ♥ I-n ♥ L-ife ♥ E-verytime!♥

12 years ago

arsh its me

12 years ago

hai dear

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have a great day and morning

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hope to wish u all

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12 years ago

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12 years ago
How r u harshi...?
12 years ago

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12 years ago

hai lovely

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happy starting new month

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and have smily day

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take care

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hope to wish u'll

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i miss you

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yours lovely

12 years ago


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take care

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12 years ago

WhEn yOu FaLL In LOvE WiTh sOmEoNe,
DoN’T ThInK JuSt sTaRt eNjOyInG It.
BeCaUsE AfTeR SoMe tImE.
yOu wIlL NoT Be iN PoSiTiOn tO EnJoY AnYtHiNg...

">" border="0"/>

WhEn yOu aRe hApPy…
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe mOsT …
wHeN YoU ArE SaD….
YoU WaNt tO ReAcH ThE PeRsOn wHo LovEs yOu tHe mOsT …

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12 years ago

hai dear

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have a perfect day

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i hope to wish u all

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i miss you

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yours true friend

12 years ago

hai dear

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have a great day

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i'll tooo sad today

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caz i miss u

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i hope to wish u fine

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R A j
12 years ago

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.....!!!! RAJ !!!!.....
12 years ago

hai dear

good morning

have a wonderfull day and happy sunday

tack care and miss you

12 years ago

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have a nice day

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take care dear

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r ::: a ::: j
12 years ago

only for you

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have a happy day

>>>> raj >>>>
12 years ago

If sOmEoNe cOmEs iNtO YoUr LifE
AnD BeCoMeS A PaRt oF YoU,
But fOr sOmE ReAsOn hE CouLDn’t sTaY,
Don’t cRy tOo mUcH…
JusT Be gLaD ThAt yOuR PaThS CrOsSeD
AnD SoMeHoW He/shE mAdE YoU HaPpY EvEn fOr a wHiLe…!!

eK JoKeR Ne LogOn kO 1 JoKe sUnAyA To
sB LoG BoHaT HaSeY
uSnE WaHi jOkE DuBaRa sUnAyA To kAm LoG hAsEy
uS Ne wAhI JoKe fIr sE SuNaYa tO KoI BhI NaHiN HaSa
tO PhIr uSnE 1 BoHaT PyArI BaAt BoLi
Ki aGaR HuM 1 KhUsHi kO Le kAr bAr-bAr kHuSh nHi hO SaKtE..
tO PhIr eK GaM Ko Le KaR BaR-BaR RoTe kYuN HaIn...

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12 years ago
Have a perfect night with sweet dreams the end
12 years ago

"*¤*""*¤*"">" border="0"/>"*¤*"

"*¤*""*¤*"">" border="0"/>"*¤*"

"*¤*""*¤*"">" border="0"/>"*¤*"

"*¤*""*¤*"">" border="0"/>"*¤*"

"*¤*" raj "*¤*"
12 years ago

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