">http://image.dek-d.com/23/2332825/103886045" border="0"/> K - Otic ,(เค-โอติค) is a Thai pop boy band consisting of five members, one of which is Thai-Japanese mixed, one is Japanese and another one is Korean. The band debuted with the single,"Ya Wai Chai"in March 2007, releasing the premier album later in October.

Members 1.Pataradanai Koen Setsuwan 2.Park Jongbae 3.Kenta Tsuchiya 4.Panu Poppy Chiragun 5.Wisawa Tomo Taiyanonnt * Members Panu Chiragun ( Thai : ภาณุ จิระคุณ; RTGS : Phanu Chirakhun ) or Poppy ( Thai : ป๊อปปี้) - born on March 27, 1991, and studying at Chulalongkhon University International College, having one elder sister. Pataradanai Setsuwan ( Thai : ภัทรดนัย เสตสุวรรณ; RTGS : Phattharadanai Setsuwan ) or Koen ( Thai : เขื่อน; RTGS : Khuean ) - born on January 22, 1992, and studying at Stamford International University, having one elder sister Kenta Tsuchiya ( Thai : เคนตะ ซึทจิยะ) - born on April 6, 1990 to a Japanese father and a Thai mother, and studying at Bangkok University International College. Visava Thaiyanont ( Thai : วิศวะ ไทยานนท์; RTGS : Witsawa Thaiyanon ) or"Tomo"( Thai : โทโมะ) - born on June 7, 1990 to a Thai father and Japanese mother, he has one older sister and one older brother, and is studying at Bangkok University International College. Park Jongbae ( Thai : ปาร์ก จองเบ) - born on April 7, 1989, in Seoul , and studying at Stamford International University, having one younger sister and another one younger brother.

Studio albums K - Otic (2007) Blacklist (2008) Free To Play (2010) Real (2011)