hi good morning how are you long time ready didn't have any news 4 me you is my first friend in onwskin after that you gone and didn't want came to see me whats up yar
oh my god..wat a bad guesses no never..on the name of god.. now i realised..why she avoiding me pls tell her..she is my real sister..oh..oh..its so hurts..
third eye hmm exam..exam..and without loging moving like ghost..ok testing ur third eye..guess..and wright n pm..if yo tell wright then i told the truth.. Ok..third eye
again..? I'm alway's n love..but i kno love doesn't come to life 2nd time..too older to love dada..but here who love me..i love her/him..who hate..i hate0 back..who care..i backed..so don worry.
DiCtiOnaRy iS tHe oNLy pLACe wHeRe DeATh cOMEs bEfoRe LifE, SuCcEss bEfoRe WorK, DiVORCe bEfoRe MaRriaGe, BuT FriENd cOMe bEfoRe ReLaTivE.. hi dada..don blam me..thinked i alway's missing.. Come hug me my mind is too down..
"There could be no feeling better than knowing we have made a positive impact on another's person's life by simply loving and sharing friendship with people in own little way of listening.."
Sometimes that's all people want, is for someone to listen and understand..." Let's be one and try reaching out, and see the difference..
'ItS nT imP. tO gO tO heavN aftR wE leavE,buT itS imP. tO creatE heavN in somE onE *s hearT, beforE wE leavE..'POSSIBLE... buT hoW??? EverY normaL persoN haS 72 heartS beatS buT FoR mE itS 73...extrA onE iS uR smilE..sO donT stoP ur smilE..iT wiLL effecT mY hearT...keeP smilinG...havE a smilinG weekenD...here'S somE examplE of cutE smilE... ">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-52.JPG" border="0"/> 7 in 1smilephilosophic">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-48.JPG" border="0"/>philosophic smileinventive">http://pictures.funnyjunksite.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/funny-baby-pictures-30.JPG" border="0"/>inventive smilewat">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68454/68454.gif" border="0"/>wat a smileromantic">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68460/68460.gif" border="0"/>romantic smilepreparing">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/01/68462/68462.gif" border="0"/>preparing to smile ok..bye..