hehe..vie buat apa tu?dh dinner?

tak pe lh klu tak tau nak ckp apa;)
huh?what's that?aha...you don't believe huh?;)
aha...what did you drink?tiger?

hehe...actually vie,i like you;$
haha..yeah,you were drunk right;p haha..you must be kidding me..y would you miss me?;)
levine sherley vievien!!where have you been??i miss you;'(
Good Morning sunshine a good morning to you. Good morning sunshine and a good day too. Keep a smile upon your face, for all the human race and a good morning sunshine & a good day too. Don't let earthly burdens bring you down, keep a smile and not a frown. Good morning sunshine and a good day too and know I love you. All through the day keep your chin up, your head held high and you'll have a good morning, sunshine and your day will be just fine. Good Morning Dear Friend...!!!
get well soo levine sherley vievien;) i hope i get your name right..hee
for my lovely cute vie ^^

">http://www.martinbinders.com/Images/Interior/chocolate-box-cake-03-600x400.jpg" border="0"/> xD
psttttttt...morning vie;)
ah th pleauser all mine :]
now my turn to kiss ya "wink" mwaah xD

thanks for th sweet kiss :]
ne u so sweet u know tht? :]
haha xD godness u got drunk? Let me refresh u "wink"
ah i wish if i went too x_X
aha...sudah2 lh gelak kn sya

btw vie buat apa tu?
ne vie did u go to ur cousin b'day?